“山寨 (copycatting)”一詞一般用于指某些品牌東西的假冒品 (counterfeit)。20世紀70、80年代香港九龍城 (Kowloon City)、獅子山 (Lion Rock)、觀塘 (Kwun Tong)等窮人聚居的山寨城有大量私營家庭工廠,專門生產國際名牌服飾、鞋帽的仿冒品,由于手工精美、價格低廉而熱銷國內外,當地人稱此類商品為“山寨貨”。80年代廣東沿海一帶熱銷的國外名牌產品均為此類山寨貨。某社會學家認為,“山寨現象”的產生與改革開放的大背景相關聯,從某種意義上來說,山寨文化是一種民間的智慧和創新。
1. 窮人聚居:翻譯為the poor people lived in compact communities?!熬劬印边€可翻譯為inhabit。
2. 私營家庭工廠:翻譯為private family factories。工廠與作坊(workshop)還是有區別的,即使是家庭工廠在規模上也還是要比作坊大的,所以此處要直譯為factory。
3. 手工精美、價格低廉:翻譯為exquisite handicraft and low prices。exquisite意為“精美的;精致的”,handicraft意為“手工藝”。
4. 熱銷國內外:翻譯為are sold like hot cakes both at home and abroad?!盁徜N”還可譯為are sold well。
5. 改革開放的大背景:翻譯為the overall background of reform and opening up policy。諸如“改革開放”這樣涉及國家政策的常識性詞匯考生也要注意在平時多積累。
6. 民間的智慧和創新:翻譯為folk wisdom and innovation。
The phrase“copycatting”is usually used to describe counterfeits of some famous brands. In the 1970s and 1980s, a large number of private family factories which specialized in producing counterfeits of world-famous brand clothes, shoes and hats sprang up in“copycatting districts”of Hong Kong, such as Kowloon City, Lion Rock and Kwun Tong, where the poor people lived in compact communities. These counterfeits were sold like hot cakes both at home and abroad because of their exquisite handicraft and low prices. Local people in Hong Kong called them“copycatting products”, including counterfeits of famous foreign brands that were sold well in coastal areas of Guangdong province in the 1980s. In one sociologist's opinion, the appearance of“copycatting”phenomenon is connected with the overall background of reform and opening up policy; in a certain sense,“copycatting”culture derives from the folk wisdom and innovation.
“山寨”一詞原指山林中設有防守柵欄的地方,也指有寨子的山村。中國古時響馬強盜(bandit)常聚眾盤踞于山寨,往往自立為王,有“占山為王(occupy a hill to act as a lord)”來逃避政府管控的意思。而粵語早有“山寨廠”的說法,專指小規?;蚣彝ナ阶鞣?,或無自己設計,專替外國品牌生產的中小型工廠。后來引申為在市場上沒有自主創新能力,以模仿其他品牌來達到低價行銷自產產品的現象。此現象最初發生于中國大陸無品牌的山寨機市場,由于山寨手機普遍具有功能全面的特點,但價格低廉,受到了中低消費者的關注?!吧秸币辉~首先在互聯網上出現。中央電視臺報道了山寨機的情況后,“山寨”一詞便走入大眾視野,并且借助互聯網廣泛傳播,應用到電子產業(electronic industry)、娛樂業(entertainment industry)等多個領域。