1. Vary Your Study Space 更換學習場所 A study shows students who studied a list of words in a windowless room ... [查看全文]
今天,我們主要討論一下如何制定合適的復習計劃,一起看看吧!一、為什么需要制定復習計劃毛主席曾講不打無準備之仗,不打無把握之仗,與打... [查看全文]
高中時期,家長們最擔心的就是孩子偏科。因為高考是考察學生綜合的學習能力,如果有一門課程偏科,總分就會受到影響,高考成績自然不會太高... [查看全文]
時間,對每個人都是公平的給予 一天,24小時,1440分鐘,86400秒 這一天該怎樣過? 有一個人 他是一個高考生 為了夢想,... [查看全文]
英語對于很多學生來說就如同災難一般,因為怎么學都學不會。其實主要是因為方法不對,所以努力也沒有效果。今天小編給同學們分享一份高中英... [查看全文]
The perfect student.....ASKS QUESTIONS. 好學生會積極提問 Most teachers want students to ask questions when they do ... [查看全文]
1. Never use the first person pronoun ("I" or "we") in an essay. 不要在文章里使用第一人稱(“我”和“我們”) Our c... [查看全文]
Introduction引言The introduction is the first paragraph in your essay, and it should accomplish a few specific goa... [查看全文]
1. Overcome Your Fear 克服恐懼Learning English is very similar to learning anything else like guitar, juggling, ba... [查看全文]
Recognizing Procrastination認識拖延癥Procrastination is like a little white lie we tell ourselves. We think we’ll f... [查看全文]